maxNumberOfSequentialPictograms | NonNegativeInteger
| 9 | The maximum number of pictograms that can be sequenced through on the pictogram display area. |
maxPictogramLuminanceLevel | NonNegativeInteger
| 7 | Maximum integer luminance level that is available on the pictogram display area of the VMS. |
pictogramCodeListIdentifier | String
| 6 | Indicates which pictogram code list is referenced. |
pictogramDisplayHeight | MetresAsFloat
| 4 | The vertical height measured in metres of the specific pictogram display area. |
pictogramDisplayWidth | MetresAsFloat
| 5 | The horizontal width measured in metres of the specific pictogram display area. |
pictogramLanternsPresent | Boolean
| 0 | Indicates whether the VMS is equipped with flashing lanterns associated with the pictogram display area. |
pictogramNumberOfColours | NonNegativeInteger
| 8 | The number of colours the pictogram display area is capable of rendering. |
pictogramPixelsAcross | NonNegativeInteger
| 2 | Number of pixels horizontally across the pictogram display area of the VMS. |
pictogramPixelsDown | NonNegativeInteger
| 3 | Number of pixels vertically down the pictogram display area of the VMS. |
pictogramPositionAbsolute | PositionAbsoluteEnum
| 10 | The position of the area in which the pictogram is displayed, i.e. at the left, right, top or bottom of the VMS display. |
pictogramPositionRelativeToText | PositionRelativeEnum
| 13 | The position of the area in which the pictogram is displayed relative to the textual area of the VMS (e.g. to the left, to the right ....). |
pictogramPositionX | MetresAsFloat
| 11 | The X-coordinate (horizontal) position of the area in which the pictogram is displayed measured from the bottom left of the sign's overall display area to the bottom left of the specific pictogram display area. |
pictogramPositionY | MetresAsFloat
| 12 | The Y-coordinate (vertical) position of the area in which the pictogram is displayed measured from the bottom left of the sign's overall display area to the bottom left of the specific pictogram display area. |
pictogramSequencingCapable | Boolean
| 1 | Indicates whether the pictogram display area on the VMS is capable of sequencing through multiple pictograms. True = capable. |