Class - ItineraryByIndexedLocations

Multiple physically separate locations arranged as an ordered set that defines an itinerary or route. The index qualifier indicates the order.


This is a specialization of the Itinerary class and it inherits all attributes and associations of that class.

List of attributes

This has no attribute.


Multiplicity From Role Role description Association Multiplicity To Role Role description  
1 Location locationContainedInItinerary related to 1 ItineraryByIndexedLocations  
0..* Destination routeDestination related to Itinerary Inherited from Itinerary
0..* Itinerary alternativeRoute related to 1 ReroutingManagement Inherited from Itinerary
0..1 GroupOfLocations pertinentLocation related to 1 BasicData Inherited from GroupOfLocations
0..1 GroupOfLocations related to 1 GroupOfParkingSpaces Inherited from GroupOfLocations
0..1 GroupOfLocations related to 1 ContactDetails Inherited from GroupOfLocations
1 GroupOfLocations related to 1 SituationRecord Inherited from GroupOfLocations
0..1 GroupOfLocations emergencyAssemblyPoint related to 1 ParkingRecord Inherited from GroupOfLocations
0..1 GroupOfLocations related to 1 ParkingEquipmentOrServiceFacility Inherited from GroupOfLocations
1 GroupOfLocations measurementSiteLocation related to 1 MeasurementSiteRecord Inherited from GroupOfLocations
1 GroupOfLocations parkingLocation related to 1 ParkingRecord Inherited from GroupOfLocations
0..1 GroupOfLocations related to 1 ParkingRouteDetails Inherited from GroupOfLocations

Used By (diagrams)