capacityRemaining | Percentage
| 0 | The ratio of current capacity to the normal (free flow) road capacity in the defined direction, expressed as a percentage. Capacity is the maximum number of vehicles that can pass a specified point on the road, in unit time given the specified conditions. |
numberOfLanesRestricted | NonNegativeInteger
| 1 | The number of normally usable lanes on the carriageway which are now restricted either fully or partially (this may include the hard shoulder if it is normally available for operational use, e.g. in hard shoulder running schemes). |
numberOfOperationalLanes | NonNegativeInteger
| 2 | The number of usable lanes in the specified direction which remain fully operational (this may include the hard shoulder if it is being used as an operational lane). |
originalNumberOfLanes | NonNegativeInteger
| 3 | The normal number of usable lanes in the specified direction that the carriageway has before reduction due to roadworks or traffic events. |
residualRoadWidth | MetresAsFloat
| 4 | The total width of the combined operational lanes in the specified direction. |
trafficConstrictionType | TrafficConstrictionTypeEnum
| 5 | The type of constriction to which traffic is subjected as a result of an event or operator action. |