Class - ItineraryByReference

Multiple (i.e. more than one) physically separate locations which are ordered that constitute an itinerary or route where they are defined by reference to a predefined itinerary.


This is a specialization of the Itinerary class and it inherits all attributes and associations of that class.

List of attributes

Name Data Type Order Definition    
predefinedItineraryReference VersionedReference 0 A reference to a versioned instance of a predefined itinerary as specified in a PredefinedLocationsPublication.    


Multiplicity From Role Role description Association Multiplicity To Role Role description  
0..* Destination routeDestination related to Itinerary Inherited from Itinerary
0..* Itinerary alternativeRoute related to 1 ReroutingManagement Inherited from Itinerary
0..1 GroupOfLocations pertinentLocation related to 1 BasicData Inherited from GroupOfLocations
0..1 GroupOfLocations related to 1 GroupOfParkingSpaces Inherited from GroupOfLocations
0..1 GroupOfLocations related to 1 ContactDetails Inherited from GroupOfLocations
1 GroupOfLocations related to 1 SituationRecord Inherited from GroupOfLocations
0..1 GroupOfLocations emergencyAssemblyPoint related to 1 ParkingRecord Inherited from GroupOfLocations
0..1 GroupOfLocations related to 1 ParkingEquipmentOrServiceFacility Inherited from GroupOfLocations
1 GroupOfLocations measurementSiteLocation related to 1 MeasurementSiteRecord Inherited from GroupOfLocations
1 GroupOfLocations parkingLocation related to 1 ParkingRecord Inherited from GroupOfLocations
0..1 GroupOfLocations related to 1 ParkingRouteDetails Inherited from GroupOfLocations

Used By (diagrams)